P.A.L. Membership Levels

The General Assembly [GA] – Tier 1

PAL Tier 1 membership of the General Assembly is open to any Palestinian, whose country of origin is historic Palestine, aged 16-years or older and who has completed the “Sajjil Enna Falastini” membership form.

The General Assembly [GA] – Tier 2

Is open to those who meet GA Tier 1 requirements and who have paid the $25 membership fee or have received a waiver of that fee. Request to waive fee may be made through the “Enquiry” form on this site.

All General Assembly Members are welcome to discuss, debate, and make recommendations- and those aged 18yrs up, may vote for members of the Legislative Committee, which is detailed below. Tier 2 General Assembly Members will receive more detailed information about, and access to, PAL operations, plans and projects.

The Legislative Committee [LC]

The Legislative Committee [LC] members are tasked with serving and representing the interests and aspirations of the members of the GA; ensuring that PAL and its working committees are operating as required to fulfil the mission and values of PAL; and to ensure to health and integrity of PAL. The LC must reflect the demographic composition of our people by gender, class, age, region, skills etc.

The Core/Executive Committee

The Core/Exec/Coord Committee bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the health and sound activity of PAL, and is comprised of- and voted in by- members of the Legislative Committee.